@ Mario Nascimbene 2003-2023
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1953 - Nastro d'Argento for the film Rome at 11.
1960 - Silver Ribbon for the film Violent Summer.
1961 - Film Fair Award for The Girl with the Suitcase.
1968 - Nastro d'Argento for the film Pronto... there's a certain Giuliana for you.
1979 - Incontri con Cinema Italiano Award for Un reietto delle Isole.
1984 - Valerio Zurlini Award for Lifetime Achievement.
1985 - Vittorio De Sica Award for music.
1985 - European Year of Music Award for the best soundtrack 1980-1985.
1988 - Vittorio De Sica Award for cinematographic music.
1991 - David di Donatello Lifetime Achievement Award.